NUY50’s vision is to empower the next generation and cultivate a world where representation is the pillar on which we stand. 


To leave a legacy of generational HEALTH for those coming after me. We focus so much on generational wealth but what good is wealth if we don’t have our health!

Booker T. Washington said it like this -

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome”


Making the unseen, seen


Making the unheard, heard


Making the unknown, known


Making the unseen, seen | Making the unheard, heard | Making the unknown, known |


NUY50 was birthed from adversity, pain, disappointment, grief and an opportunity to impact lives. NUY50 stands for Not Until You're 50, which is what I was told by my health care practitioner (at the time) when I said I wanted to begin breast screening. As a matter of fact, I was denied twice between ages 40-42. Only to receive a diagnosis two years later with a very aggressive form of breast cancer called Triple Negative (TNBC). This is why NUY50 wants to advocate for more research and bring awareness to the criticality of self-advocacy. Don't wait, ADVOCATE! ©

My setback was a set up for growth… spiritually, mentally and soulfully. Instead of asking God why this was happening, I asked, what is the takeaway from the journey I overcame. The test became my testimony and my testimony blossomed into NUY50!



  • To advocate for more race-based data in Canada to better facilitate the measurement of racial inequities in health care and provide tailored options and treatment

  • To provide information, awareness and education around breast health for adolescents and women of all ages

  • To advocate for BIPOC men and the disparities they face with breast cancer and other diseases

  • To promote GENERATIONAL HEALTH by encouraging dialogue among families and creating a family health history/family tree. Know your risks!

  • To help keep organizations and governments accountable for addressing racial disparities and monitor progress




Before proceeding with any decision, seek to have answers to the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY AND HOW!

 This is your roadmap to taking charge of your healthcare decisions and advocating for the ones you love!”